Our founding doctors
Medilaw was established by a group of practising clinical specialists headed by Prof Peter Steadman, Dr Brett Halliday and Dr Richard Williams who wanted to establish a medical-led opinion service grounded in evidence and integrity.
Since then Medilaw has produced more than 200,000 reports in Australia with a team of more than 100 consulting medical practitioners, and made significant advances in education and the quality of medico-legal reports.
We draw our success from our doctor-led and doctor-supported business model, providing our medical consultants with the supports they need to produce evidence-based and balanced opinions that can withstand scrutiny.
Our customers are the primary beneficiaries through our range of services that provide independent and thorough medical opinion to support injury and claim decision-making.
Through the work of our founders and our team we aim to improve health and return to work outcomes and provide a way forward for people with injury or illness and organisations managing compensation schemes.
Prof Steadman is now the Chief Medical Officer of MedHealth, the parent organisation of Medilaw, and he continues to practice as an orthopaedic surgeon.
Dr Brett Halliday has continued in his role as Chairman for the Medilaw Consultant Education and Peer Review program, providing leadership, guidance and development opportunities for our consultants.
Join us
For a discussion on how consulting work can be customised to your requirements, please contact your local Medilaw Group representative:
Christine Richards, Medilaw
E: christine.richards@medilaw.com.au | Ph: 0473 731 723
Jade Burns, Medilaw
E: jade.burns@medilaw.com.au | Ph: 0477 052 853
WA | NT | SA
Zelica Palamara, Next Health
E: zelica.palamara@nexthealth.com.au | Ph: 0411 243 367